[P1] Fix_prebinding is crashing on start

Meg St. Clair megsaint at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 25 18:16:33 PST 2003

On 1/25/03 8:46 PM, "Richard McKay" <richard.mckay1 at virgin.net> wrote:

> Meg,
> When you say that you're not sure that you understand the result, do you
> mean that you do not understand what this did and why it works or...the
> actual messages that terminal spit out after doing the update prebinding?
> If it is the first case...then maybe it will help to think of it this way
> (someone correct me if I am wrong please);
> When you are working in an office and you want to post a letter then you
> need to know where the envelopes and stamps are, when you want to dial a
> number of a supplier or customer you need to know where the telephone book
> is or where the information is stored...this is similar to the Mac Operating
> System because in order for it to be able to run the applications it needs
> to know where the required information to do so is located. In a perfect
> world the information (telephone book, envelopes) is always there where you
> left it in the office and also where the Operating System left it the last
> time it looked...in the real world sometimes things are not where we thought
> we left them (in which case we usually clean up and organise things again)
> and during some installations or crashes the computer loses track of where
> it left its information last...it then runs around in a panic trying to find
> the information until some nice caring person (you) runs the update
> prebinding to tell the computer look around, remember and re-record/correct
> where you have put all the information you need to run smoothly again...
> If it is rather the second case and you are not sure/concerned about the
> messages that the terminal gave you...ignore my drivel above and post what
> messages it put out and we will see if someone can help with
> interpretation...

It was the second, though the explanation is not unappreciated. I plan on
keeping it around.

This is what happens:

Last login: Sat Jan 25 02:40:25 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
[Meg-St-Clairs-iBook:~] meg% cd /
[Meg-St-Clairs-iBook:/] meg% sudo update_prebinding -root
2003-01-25 21:13:17.453 update_prebinding[747] Start of update_prebinding
usage: update_prebinding {-debug} {-verbose} {-force} {-root <dir>}
               (-pkgs (<pkg> <instroot>)* ) | (-files file1 file2 ...)
  Calls redo_prebinding on executables and libraries in dependency order
  -verbose: display additional status and warning messages
  -force: prebind even if the file is otherwise up-to-date
  -debug: don't actually try to redo the prebinding for any files
  -pkgs: specifies package/install root pairs of changed files that require
         prebinding to be redone.
  -root: specifies the directory to be searched for dependent libraries
         If neither -pkgs or -file is specified, all libraries and
executables in -root are prebound.
[Meg-St-Clairs-iBook:/] meg%

It almost looks as if it's telling me *about* the command. Did it do

I haven't rebooted as I've been doing some other stuff.


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