On Monday, January 27, 2003, at 10:07 PM, Harry D. Corsover wrote: > What's your experience been with Spaminator? I've never enabled it, > since > I'm leery of even one legitimate email being filtered out as spam. I've > had my own email marked as spam by other ISPs spam filters, and I can > tell you -- it's not only a pain in the neck, but can interfere with > timely communication. So far it is positive. It caught one of my sister's emails to me but I don't check on it that often to know if anything is happening since that seems to defeat the idea of me not getting the spam. I look forward to a law that penalizes the person on whose behalf the spam is sent with a minimum of 40 years in the slammer! --- Lobate Black Scale -- A Photo Essay By Jack Rodgers http://www.jackrodgers.com