[P1] Friend needs iBook help! =O

Bill Lockhart blockhart1 at comcast.net
Wed Jan 29 16:00:47 PST 2003

On Wednesday, January 29, 2003, at 06:26  PM, Joe wrote:

> this is his problem:
> "My Tangerine iBook just went dead. Oh, and I mean dead.
> Unfortunately, there's a file on it I must must must get to today, 
> tomorrow at the latest.
> Symptoms: wouldn't start - could hear the drive spinning, but it 
> wouldn't boot.
> Went to Apple knowledge base, tried procedures in doc 58385. Nada. 
> Went on to doc 14449. Now the darn thing doesn't even spin up the 
> drive - it's a brick.
> Any ideas? Or am I toast?"
> I think he's toast...but i'm sure someone out there could  help him!

maybe this was covered in one of those Apple docs but
have you tried booting up from the startup disk?
if you can do this, maybe then you can access the HD.


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