[P1] Ttly OT: Fiji exercises internet censorship !!!

Peter Nacken caipirina at mac.com
Wed Jul 2 10:24:38 PDT 2003

on 7/3/03 4:11 AM, Jack Rodgers at jackrodgers at earthlink.net wrote:

> On Wednesday, July 2, 2003, at 09:24  AM, david wrote:
>> Sheesh - the first thing any decent tech does is turn off the machine
>> to see if rebooting fixes the problem.
> The absolute LAST thing I would do would be to do a forced reboot since
> this will lose data and may damage files or hard drives.
I agree here .. Unfortunately it is(was) usually the first thing I heard
from any hotline when I called with PC problems :"Have you tried/done a
reboot? Yes ? Ok  .. Do it again!"

Reminds you of the old days when fixing the TV involved a couple of very
hard slaps to either side :)


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