[P1] Airport Base Station trouble

Michael Adams bulk at michaeladams.org
Wed Jul 2 19:14:16 PDT 2003

david wrote:

> On Wednesday, July 2, 2003, at 07:54  PM, Michael Adams wrote:
>> [...]
>> What's the warranty on these? I've only just bought this from 
>> overseas and I've got no idea when it was purchased, but I do have 
>> AppleCare on my iBook... would this mean the base station is still 
>> covered?
> Yep, they do get warm. Go ahead and give Apple a call. AppleCare for 
> an iBook covers a base station. Like you, I bought a used unit when I 
> bought my iBook and the base station died about 3 months after I 
> bought it. It fried big time. Apple sent a box for it and about a week 
> later another unit arrived. 

I called AppleCare just before and had no luck. The guy told me to do a 
soft reset, then a hard reset, and I explained that I'd done the 
remove-power, insert-paper-clip trick yesterday, then loaded the 
firmware on and had, if anything, more crashes than usual.

At this point he advised me to get in the car and take it to the nearest 
Apple service centre and get it fixed. I asked if that was covered by my 
AppleCare and he said that it wasn't; AppleCare only covers my iBook.

So how do I go about getting AppleCare to cover my base station? As an 
aside, I know one of the guys at my local Apple service centre so I 
might go in and get the low-down from him.

Thanks for the help,

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