[P1] Accidental battery life development

Harry D. Corsover harry at corsazzi.com
Tue Jul 8 09:27:58 PDT 2003

----- On 7/8/03 7:38 AM MDT (-0600), Brian Pearce <bpearce at cloud9.net> 
wrote, in part:

>> This is one way AppleCare pays for itself...
>In this case, after three years I think the battery has gone through 
>enough charge-and-recharge cycles to be near the end of its' useful 
>life; I don't think it's a problem with the battery, or a flaw in the 
>design. (I'm surprised and grateful to get even a bit more mileage out 
>of it.)
>BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

I agree, but having AppleCare means they will replace it anyway. 

Best Regards,

Harry Corsover

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