[P1] iBook power supply problem

Bill Lockhart blockhart1 at comcast.net
Tue Jul 15 17:18:33 PDT 2003

On Monday, July 14, 2003, at 07:59  PM, Bill Lockhart wrote:

> Hellooo
> My son's 366 Keylime iBook power supply seems to have died.
> there's a little black(burnt?) spot on the plug nearest the iBook that 
> I don't remember ever seeing before.
> this happened sometime this morning and now he has no power, no 
> charging, nothing.
> Before I start searching the net (any suggestions?) for a new power 
> supply
> can I use the power supply from either a 500 MHZ iBook or 800 MHz 
> iBook to see if that is indeed the problem?
> The power supply for the 500 iBook looks just like the one on the 
> KeyLime one.
> The power supply on my 800 iBook is the square block one.
> thanks for any help.
> Bill

Here's an update:
after checking online for a replacement power supply, I found an 
original hockey-puck type for my son's KeyLime iBook.
Cost? $85.00 not including shipping and who knows how many days it 
would take to get here.

For the heck of it I called my local Apple store here in Indpls.
Not only did they have them, they were $69.00!

The KeyLime is ALIVE!

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