[P1] Sync'ing Mail between iBook and iMac

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 23 05:05:42 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 08:26  PM, Thomas D. Kearns wrote:

> I have finally gotten a small home office network up and running.   I 
> would like to be able to synchronize my Mailboxes between the iBook 
> and the iMac including the same mailboxes.  I want to be able to read 
> and dispose old e-mail by looking at either computer.  isync does not 
> seem to offer this service.  Any ideas?

You can do this without any fuss by having both computers pickup the 
mail from the same account and having both computers set to delete the 
mail on the server after it is downloaded. Thus only one computer will 
see the email message. You will of course have to read the mail on the 
computer you download to.

You could also set up a mailbox for each computer as your isps often 
allow more than one mail box. Forward the email you want to sync to the 
other computers mail box. Delete the ones you don't want to save.

Using this method the mailboxes on the computers will not be 
syncronized and have different messages on them but you can send the 
email to the other computer if you need it there or import its 
mailboxes to the other computer.

To have matching mailboxes, simply copy the mail folder from one 
computer to the other or create the folders manually.

I don't see the value of forwarding email from one isp to another since 
most email programs will pickup the mail at multiple sources, for 
instance mail checks my .mac account and my earthlink account in one 
go. I guess forwarding my website mailboxes to earthlink might be 
worthwhile since earthlink has a pretty good spam filter.

After Congress passes the anti-music stealing law with a 5 year jail 
term and a $250,000 fine, mother-in-laws should not click on urls for 
free music sent by their son-in-laws.

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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