Word formatting in Mac, PC

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Fri Jul 25 11:35:51 PDT 2003

On Friday, July 25, 2003, at 12:19  PM, iBook List wrote:

> From: Pat D. Stephens <patdart at cox-internet.com>
> But her work and files that would need to be moved are on a Gateway PC
> and would need to be moved to a Mac!  Sounds like that could be a big
> problem requiring a lot of work!

No, it's no problem at all. All she has to do is get a copy of Word for 
the Mac.

When the booklets are transferred over (by writing a CD or ethernet 
transfer), she will probably have a LITTLE BIT of adjusting work to do 
(making sure the page breaks are the same, etc) but it shouldn't be 
that big a deal. Once they are in Word on OS X, she can save copies of 
the corrected files as PDFs and never have to make those adjustments 


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