[P1] Word formatting in Mac, PC

Joost van de Griek joost at jvdg.net
Thu Jul 31 02:44:10 PDT 2003

On 2003-07-31 11:04, Charles Martin wrote:

>> From: "Eric B. Richardson" <lbyron at comcast.net>
>> But for me, ThinkFree Office was so unbearably slow that it was
>> unusable. I last checked it out about three months ago. Have there
>> been any changes that warrant checking it out again?
> If you find it "unbearably slow," then the answer is no. I'm not aware
> of any major changes in Apple's JVM or ThinkFree that I would call a
> "significant" speed boost.

If anything, Apple's JVM has become slower with the upgrade to 1.4.1, since
the 1.4 VM is less optimised than the 1.3.1 VM.

If your Java apps will work with 1.3.1, you might want to consider reverting
to 1.3 for a (admittedly slight) speed boost.

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Joost van de Griek

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