[P1] Newbie

david davidwb at spymac.com
Wed Jun 4 09:42:19 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, June 4, 2003, at 10:12  AM, <Parkblue at gmx.net> wrote:

> I'm a newbie on this list, but a long-time Duo/2400-list subscriber, 
> owned
> various Powerbooks (a 100, a 165, a 270, a 280, a 2300 and currently a
> 2400). Located in Fort Lauderdale/FL and Munich/Germany, motorcycle 
> rider,
> ready to switch to an iBook.
> Coming from a stock 2400, anything will seem fast, so any reason I 
> should
> avoid 500mhz/combo units? There are a few on eBay - any on this list 
> for
> sale or another place I should look?
I have no negative personal or professional experiences with the 500 
mhz ibook but it is notable that there are more complaints about the 
500 mhz model than the others. These complaints center on the stability 
and speed of OS X, not quality. You can probably find this at Apple's 
discussion site.

Good qualities are easier to destroy than bad ones, and therefore
uniformity is most easily achieved by lowering all standards.
  ~~ Bertrand Russell


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