Why limit one's self to a pen drive when a CF+ card, smart media card or even the chewing gum memory stick can be used in so many devices that don't have USB ports. Add a usb reader for your macs and you have a multi platform device. Of course these devices are cute while limited to usb ports. I've found plastic form fitted cases on a keychain for $10 that will hold four or more of the cards. I use my 1 Gig microdrive (under $250) in my Macs with a PC Card adapter, in my Canon d10 and in my iPaq Pocket PC. Couldn't do that with a pen drive. --- Instead of giving rich people all that money, why not give the 'tax cut' funds to our military men and women and let them boost the economy with their purchases? JackRodgers at earthlink.net http://www.JackRodgers.com http://www.LobateLacScale.com