[P1] Business plan software

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 13 04:13:05 PDT 2003

Also you might try the Small Business Administration web site 

A second resource might be those successful business men and women in 
your community who donate their time to helping startups, usually at no 
charge. The thoughts and guidance of a successful business person is 
worth more than the most expensive software created by writers with no 
business experience.

The most important factor in your success, other than the dumb luck of 
inventing a product like the pet rock, is yourself. While one person 
fills in the blanks of a software program, spends a dozen hours reading 
books, etc. the person who has a business card printed and passes them 
out in the thousands will be well ahead of the game.

Of course there is a different strategy between a person starting up 
with little capital and one starting up with a large amount to invest 
or invested.

You might re-ask your question and include the most important part, 
exactly what is it that you want to do? Someone might point you to a 
list, meeting of people with the same interest, etc. Or, if your plan 
was to mass market ice sculptors of cartoon characters in outdoor 
booths in Africa or South Florida, might suggest a different venture... 

People ask me how I am doing and I tell them, "Absolutely fantastic and 
that really aggravates my enemies."

JackRodgers at earthlink.net

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