The following is an extract of a recent console error log report. What exactly does this mean? I seem to get these types of error logs frequently. What the heck is MenuCracker? Thank you. Mac OS X Version 10.2.6 (Build 6L60) ## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt) ## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt) ## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt) ## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type (regR/carP/x!bt) 2003-06-21 11:46:16.362 SystemUIServer[407] MenuCracker (c)2002 <James_007_bond at> MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menus. Ignore the failure message that follow.