Not in the 500MHz 12", the 700MHz 12", nor the 600 MHz 14" I support, nor in any I've seen anywhere (at least not a big enough gap to catch my eye, since I'm not looking for gaps). The little rubber bumpers at the corner are the defacto specification for gap. Like I say, call AppleCare or take it to a store. If nothing else, if you call AppleCare, you will have recorded the problem now. It can't hurt. As for downside: It lets dust in, and bad spirits, too ;-) . And isn't impressive, thus being inconsistent with the great impressiveness of the product in general--it's like going to a business meeting with your jacket buttoned one button off level. On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Leonard Ornstein wrote: > To all with 700Mhz, 800Mhz & 900 Mhz 12" iBooks: > > The slight warp referred to is essentially universal in all these > models. It's been discussed at length elsewhere. Except for > esthetics, it usually has no downside (and there is no "fix"). . . .