[P1] Connecting iBook to Wintel machine / ethernet

andy letterspackages at telus.net
Sun Jun 29 21:58:01 PDT 2003

On Sunday, June 29, 2003, at 10:29 p, Michael Adams wrote:

>>     My ISP doles out IPs dynamically, though. If this is the case 
>> with you, too, I'd recommend checking out the free services
>> at http://www.no-ip.com/ or a similar Dynamic DNS solution. It saves 
>> the hassle of checking that IP every couple of days.
> I use static IP's at home, but Dynamic DNS is something completely 
> different isn't it? Not needed for simple computer to computer 
> transfer, IIRC.

    I'd say Dynamic DNS is marginally related to this... one of the 
reasons I set up sharing and
the like on my XP box is so I could take advantage of it's 120Gb HD 
while at school. I have
about 3000 songs on my iBook, but the bulk of my CD collection is saved 
on my desktop
at home. I've signed on for a dyndns service so I can connect to my 
shares via a bookmark
on the desktop and easily play my mp3s over the network, rather than 
hunting through my
ISPs self-admin pages to find my current IP address. If I'm at home, I 
can walk across the
apartment and look it up with little trouble-- if I'm across the city, 
it gets a bit harder.

As an aside, I had to give a presentation in an anthropology class last 
semester. As it turned
out, the CD didn't verify for some reason and we thought we were 
hooped. Using
Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection, I connected to my desktop computer 
ran the PowerPoint file from there in perhaps three clicks. DynDNS 
saved the day.

I suggested signing up for one of these services as I've found it only 
extends the
usefulness of smb sharing.


    letterspackages at telus.net
    calgary, alberta, canada

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