Simple way of playing mp3s from CDRs ?

Charles Martin chasm at
Sat Mar 1 23:21:51 PST 2003

> From: Peter Nacken <caipirina at>
> Also .. It does not help with iTunes ability to totally mix up the 
> order of
> tracks with no apparent pattern ... A list I just tried has the songs 
> just
> numbered ... So .. They show up in iTunes like that: 
> 9,5,27,26,12,11,1,21,19
> ... Do I need to go on ?? :)  sure I can just sort by track name .. 
> But why
> is iTunes creating this disorder in the first place ??

Because they are being sorted by some other criteria, perhaps one that 
you can't see on screen (like Composer).


James Lileks, on Apple's iMovie versus XP's Moviemaker:
"Was [my bro-in-law's] machine cheaper? Yes. But time is money; I've 
never had to claw my way through the sodden mess of a corporate website 
looking for the one driver that will let me do what I want to do. I've 
never had to spend a Sunday afternoon trying to understand what iMovie 
wants me to do, because it does what *I* want it to do. He said that 
Moviemaker made him feel stupid, because he couldn't figure out the 
simplest tasks.
I'll say this for his machine, though: if he ever wants to back up that 
3.3 GB movie file on floppy disks, he's all set."

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