[P1] iBook newbie...

Paul Bernhardt pbern10 at xmission.com
Tue Mar 4 23:32:02 PST 2003

William L Carr said on 3/4/03 11:32 AM:

>These problems look like bad RAM.   If you bought it used, maybe 
>someone got bad RAM and sold it out of frustration.
>Check out http://www.macattorney.com/tutorial.html

This is my vote also.

I upgraded ram in my iceBook through a local dealer, his installation, 
and immediately had kernal panics. However, it would boot in OS9 with 
that memory upgrade. So, I took it out and everything was cool. Took it 
in for new memory and it worked great after that. 

I can imagine marginal memory (as opposed to bad memory) might pass a 
boot check but not work well during operation such that you have the 
problems you are describing. Apparently, OSX is more sensitive to bad 
memory that previous OSes.


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