[P1] [OT] iBook article in the NYT

Zoki zoki.news at linuxix.2y.net
Thu Mar 6 01:18:33 PST 2003

Le 05/03/2003 18:39, « Brian Fish » <ifish at macosx.com> a écrit :

>>> On Wednesday, March 5, 2003, at 07:00  AM, Jack Rodgers wrote:
>>>> While recognizing the worth of the computer, I wonder if computerizing
>>>> the schools makes the kids learn more? Have there been any independent
>>>> tests to compare the knowledge acquired by today's kids versus kids
>>>> from 40 or 50 years ago?
> In my opinion, as the Technology Coordinator of a private school,  the
> question is not so much learning more or learning less, but offering another
> avenue for learning and also to prepare them for the outside world.  Chances
> are, most students of today are going to be expected to use computers in
> their future jobs and careers.  IMHO, if computers are a part of making the
> world go round, then we need to teach our children computers in school so
> they can pick up where we leave off.

*** However - correct me if I'm wrong - but some time ago I read an article
in which it was said that hand written work wasn't accepted anymore in some
US schools. That for me is the best way of creating a problem. They'll be
able to communicate as long as there laptop battery is charged?


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