> On Saturday, March 15, 2003, at 02:42 PM, Bryan Taylor wrote: > > Do people use the 12" iBook as their sole machine/screen? Is it tiring? I've been using the 700 12" iBook as my only computer for 7 months and have had no hardware problems at all. I don't find the size a problem, rather, it is the biggest advantage...If you travel a lot it is light, small and has a fantastic screen, besides you can always attach an external monitor if you need more real estate... The biggest advantage for me is that when I travel (cattle class) I can still use it with the limited seat room that the airlines/trains offer...Being a person that enjoys Schadensfreude it brings me no end of pleasure to see the Dell crowd try to open and use their notebooks on the same conditions...Not to mention the power requirements. Cheers, Richard --