Friend has keyboard problem!

Joe jabeleda at
Tue Mar 18 10:48:31 PST 2003

her problem:

"i've taken the keyboard up to clean under it a couple of times...and 
then of course, the unthinkable happened...

the esc key popped off COMPLETELY (as in, the part the you can 
allegedly reattach came up WITH the key itself)...and then the keyboard 
refused to lay down flat.

when i finally got it to lay down (sort of) flat, it wouldn't come back 

apple care tells me i'd have to ship it back...but that the keyboard 
repair wouldn't be covered by my apple care warranty (i have the 3 year 
plan and i can't use it? so what's the point of shipping it back, 
assclown?)...and that many people have mentioned the same problem to 
them before.

if this is a design flaw that causes a common problem, why are they 
blaming it on 'user error'?

and does anyone know where i can get a new esc key? or am i gonna have 
to get a whole new keyboard?


Can you help her?

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