On 2003-03-22 13:45, Joyce Ranieri wrote: > When I try to start Classic from the Classic Preference Panel, I get the exact > same message, "Sorry, a system error occurred. "System" error type 102 To > temporarily turn off extensions, restart and hold down the shift key." That's very weird, considering that according to <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=9806>, that error means the following: 102:dsOldSystem:System is too old for this ROM Which would not make any sense, since you can boot from the same system folder just fine. > With a button that says "Restart". If I click on restart, it tries to start, > and then ends in the same message. Did you try restarting with the Shift key depressed, as suggested? > The pull-down menu looks different to me than what I recall seeing before -- > Under the Start/Stop tab, I have iBook HD, with a down arrow (triangle) next > to it, and underneath that it says "System Folder". Above that in bold print > it says "Classic is starting from "/iBook HD/System Folder" Is that the > correct system folder? That depends... Is that your only Mac OS 9 System Folder? > Or is it ignoring my folder with 9 and looking in the OS X folder? No, it's not doing that for sure. > Underneath the tab Memory/Versions, it says "Mac OS: NA, Classic Support: NA, > Classic Enabler: NA, Classic Environment: NA." OOPS -- I guess those look > about the same on my 17" flat-panel iMac that isn't having problems. So I > guess everything there "looks" okay. Yup. There's only any info there when Classic is running. In the Advanced tab, try selecting the "extensions off" option and starting Classic from there. Lastly, I would suggest creating an OS 9 System Folder specifically for use in Classic. Since a lot of services (networking, etc.) in Classic are really handled by Mac OS X, starting Classic from a "regular" Mac OS 9 installations means you are loading a lot of unnecessary extensions and control panels, which only slow down the start-up and performance of Classic. To install a minimal system, boot up from your OS 9 CD, choose a Custom Install, and deselect everything except the first option in the System area (Core Operating System, or something like that). That'll give you a tiny (mine's only 55 MB, and that's with already some stuff added by certain Classic apps), that starts nice and fast, and runs cleanly, without using a big chunk of memory. ,xtG .tsooJ -- There are only 10 kinds of people in this world: Those that understand binary, and those that don't. -- Joost van de Griek <http://www.jvdg.net/>