I installed Jaguar on my clamshell iBook about 2 months ago. I am currently at 10.2.4. I've been disappointed to have it crash much more frequently. In fact, I don't remember OS X.1.x crashing for me ever! Now I will get a message appearing on my screen saying that I have to restart my computer. I've never had this message before, and now I'm getting it every couple of days. It usually happens when I have iTunes running. The music starts to skip, and this message is on the screen. I have to hit Ctrl-Cmd-power to reboot. What a pain (also because Jaguar boots sooooo slowly). Anyone experiencing this? Could it be from my firewire hard drive, which is where all my music is stored? It sure is funny, because I'm not doing anything different from before the upgrade, and there were no problems before. Dave.