[P1] Sig rules?

Rebecca J. Hoffman rebecca at syracusenet.net
Sun Mar 23 17:11:14 PST 2003

What a remarkably stupid idea. Perhaps we should also give the US back 
to Britain, since without the military assistance we got from France 
during the American Revolution, we'd still be flying the Union Jack.

I'd like to send a big thank you to the French and German governments 
for their courage in standing up to the bullies in Washington.

Freedom notwithstanding, joking about "flying a plane into" anything is 
in really poor taste.

I'm sorry about the off-topic post. I won't comment on this issue again 
in this forum.


On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 02:43  PM, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> Pardon my freedom:
> http://giveitback.net
> Or fly a plane into it, or whatever.

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