Zoki zoki.news at linuxix.2y.net
Fri Mar 28 06:53:28 PST 2003

Le 27/03/2003 20:55, « Chuck & Kim Blair » <yahoogroups at ifriendly.com> a
écrit :


> My ice ibook 500mhz continues to start up with the flashing folder
> 95% of the time. I hold down ctr, opt, apple, & power button. Twice,
> then restart.


> I like OS 9 <ducking my head>
> Please help me out!
> What is wrong with my machine??

*** Telling you what's wrong is impossible as I don't know the history of
your iBook. Have you tried to backup your data and reinstall the system? If
you continu to have the same problem, even after a fresh install, you might
want to have your iBook checked to make sure the disk or the IDE cable is
not kaputt...


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