iBook and DVD movies

Ken Anderson kanderson at theglobal.net
Sat Oct 11 19:16:10 PDT 2003

Hello fellow listers,

I've a couple rather simple questions that I hope this list can help me 

First my Book; 800/14/640/combo about 9 months old.

Question #1 - I am taking a trip in the near future and want to use my 
iBook for my own "in flight movie".  What are some things I can do to 
make sure I get the longest battery life out of it in these conditions? 
  I do have headphones so as not to disturb my neighbors and run at a 
lower volume.  I've never use my Book for this before and am unsure 
what to expect.

Question #2 - Are the sizes of the movie able to be changed beyond what 
is offered in the menus or are we limited to whatever the disk plays 
and or the player decodes?



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