Software install/restore versions

iBooklist at iBooklist at
Wed Oct 15 04:41:31 PDT 2003

I have 3 iBooks, all Dual USB:
- a 500mHz 
- a 700mHz
- an 800 mHz

The last 2 are used by my kids at university, and the 500 is used by me. This iBook came with no software installed, and I just installed system 9 as OSX at that time was  supposedly unreliable. Now I have experienced more recent versions of OSX when setting up the other 2 iBooks, I want to install it on the 500 iBook and have backed up stuff I need (I must have chosen Mac standard format so it needs reformatting).

My question:

What is the best way of using the CDs that came with the other two iBooks to get the most up to date systems (including OS9) and all the accompanying software (the games etc)? (I assume that as I bought all these iBooks there is no licensing issue with the software).

I am vaguely aware that the way the various System Install/Restore CDs work changed at some point, and it appears that some of the CDs won't work with a 500 iBook, and also that some only work in OS X but cannot find any specific info for this situation. Using Software Update isn't viable for the System software - takes too long with a 56k modem.

Any advice to help me get it right first time? I suppose I could just do  a complete restore with the original CDs, then work through the later versions, but this will take a long time - any shortcuts?



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