[P1] Moving the whole thing

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Wed Oct 15 07:17:25 PDT 2003

> Brian, Are you saying that if I transfer my user folder and all my 
> apps and docment files to the new computer, which is running osx2, 
> that I would not need to transfer the system folder? Color me stuck in 
> OS9, but I just assumed that my apps would also be putting items in my 
> system folder, especially since one of them is ms office, which, in my 
> experience, puts its, ahem, stuff all over the farm.

Stuff like that should, ideally, have been installed in the "Library" 
folder of your Users Folder. (Some programs give you the option of 
installing System-wide or for individual users.) I did a quick search, 
and it seems like all of the Microsoft Office stuff is there.

If not that, it's probably in the the main "Library" folder outside of 
the Users Folder (along with some System Preferences); but even then, 
you should be able to copy that over without having to copying 
everything on the drive. That was my experience setting up my iMac and 
copying files over from my iBook.

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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