[P1] Fruitmenu

don hinkle donhinkle at att.net
Mon Sep 22 08:56:27 PDT 2003

Jack, what is Fruitmenu. Is that a shareware/freebie program? Or is it 
some way to modify the Apple OS X apple menu?
(I too enjoyed the old hierarchical menus from OS 9)
But isn't it true that if you drop, say, the Applications menu into the 
Dock, that you can access it's contents by pressing and holding Cmd?
What's the diff?

Jack Rodgers wrote:

> I was just modifying my Fruitmenu (The old Apple Menu features for OS X) 
> and thought I would mention how much more convenient using the 
> hierarchical features are than using either Apple's X Finder or MS's 
> (and soon to be mimiced in Panther) XP finder.
> It is far faster to add my User Folder to the Fruitmenu as the top item 
> and Favorites as the second item and drag down through the hierarchies 
> than it is to use either the finder windows or the doc. I've waited many 
> months to check this opinion just so I wouldn't retain any OS 9 bias, 
> but after accidentally trying it this am I was amazed at how easy these 
> actions are compared to the present X Finder and the XP start menu.

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