Wireless networking

Eric Richardson lbyron at comcast.net
Mon Apr 12 19:37:32 PDT 2004

I bought a syslink wireless router, 802.11g in America that a friend 
brought over to Korea. We bought a poser  cord appropriate for 
conversion between Korean power and the router. We are having trouble 
making it work.

I am trying to plug it into a switcher box on a large network. 
Although it sees the uplink to the network by the little green light, 
the Airport card doesn't see it, and a wired connection through one 
of the 4 ports is not recognized either by the Mac (X.3 on a G4 
iBook) or by a Windows XP machine. However, we can get into the 
configuration menu via a web browser thru the wired connections.

What could I be missing? When I have done this before, it has been 
pretty much plug and play.

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