[P1] iBook Keyboard Marking The Screen

Brian Olesky brian4 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 21 19:05:14 PDT 2004

When I first joined this list just over two years ago, this was a very
common topic. Huge amounts of people had the problem. It seems to be a
factor of building a compact computer to very tight tolerances. The only two
solutions were to wipe the screen clean with one of the popular
screen-cleaning systems, or to put a thin cloth on the keys when closing the
lid. This can be as simple as the plastic sheet that comes in there when you
buy it (or at least it used to), or to buying one of the fancy (expensive)
leather cloths made for the purpose.

Either way, it's a very common problem, maybe a little annoying but not
serious, and I highly doubt it's an Applecare issue.


On 4/21/04 7:06 PM, "Tom" <tom at heartfire.com> wrote:

> I just bought a G3 900 MHz iBook and I¹m still within the warranty period.
> The problem is that the keyboard is marking up the screen. It leaves little
> scratches where the keyboard touches the screen when it¹s closed. I¹ve
> double checked to be sure that the keyboard is properly seated and that the
> airport card underneath is seated correctly and not raising the keyboard.
> Has anyone else had this problem? Are these key marks on the screen normal
> or typical? I can¹t help but think they will get worse the more I use the
> iBook. Should I try to get this fixed before the warranty is up?

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