[iBook] Oops, which AC cord is mine?

RP McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Sun Dec 12 06:07:38 PST 2004

On 11/12/04 7:28 pm, "Brian Olesky" <brian4 at sbcglobal.net> wrote (in part):

> I just noticed that my wife's AC extension power cord for her 600 iBook and
> mine, for my 1.5 Gig AlBook are sitting on the table right next to each
> other and we don't know which is which.
> The main difference is one has a 3 prong plug that goes into the wall outlet
> and the other only has a 2 prong plug. Can anyone tell me which is which?

If it helps, we have a 1 GHz 14" iBook and a 1.33 GHz 17" PB (that replaced
a 12" iBook 700) and we have swapped power adapters ever since there was
more than one 'Book in the house. (one is permanently situated at the couch
in the living room and the other is in the office downstairs) and have done
so for at least a year now (and more importantly, without any adverse

Never looked at the output figures but it may just take longer with one than
the other...

This is with UK adapters though and they may be different than the ones
Apple provides in the US.

Hope this helps,


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