> I don't want to trash it and reinstall Mail, because there are some > important recent e-mails I need to save. Any hints would be > appreciated. You said: ....All of your Mail files should be found in your Users folder in Library-->Mail -- so I'd start by making a back-up copy of that file, just in case. You might try trashing the Preferences for Mail in your Users folder in Library-->Preferences (it's called "com.apple.mail.plist"), and see if that helps.... First, thanks for suggesting that I pull the Mail files out of the Users-Library folder, I hadn't known that, or forgot it anyway. It should save the stuff I need. I did try trashing the Preferences but no effect. I got something new last time I tried to troubleshoot, a message box with: 'The Mailbox "~/Library/Mail/POP-tmbridgeland at etc etc my e-mail address/INBOX.mbox" is currently locked by "Bridgeland Thomas" on host "etc etc my computers name.local.". If you open a mailbox that is in use you may damage its contents. This was followed by three choice buttons, Cancel, Open Read Only, and Open Anyway. I have seen this box twice and tried Open Read Only and Open Anyway. In both cases Mail froze again in a second or two anyway. Any more good advice? Thanks! Tom