P presuming you have a Vision phone and the Vision service already. If you don't, well, that is what you need first. Don't know specifically how to do it with your phone. In general, there is no difference between a desktop and a laptop in this regard. You simply attach your phone to your computer in a manner identical to what is needed to sync it. You will need the appropriate modem drivers for it, particularly if the connection is via USB. You create a dialup "connection" entry via the dialup support in your OS (you didn't say what OS you run...) and then dial-out to the number #777 just as if you were using a regular phone modem. On 12/20/04 7:54 PM, "Dave Wyman" <davewyman at imountainman.com> wrote: > > What do I need to do to use my (Sprint) cellphone with my iBook? > Specifically, I want to be able to send long distance faxes from my > iBook through my cellphone. I'd use our landline connecting, but I've > turned off our ability to use long distance because I use my cellphone > for long distance calls. >