1gb ram chip in ibook g4

Angus Wallace Angus.Wallace at flinders.edu.au
Sun Feb 15 18:58:18 PST 2004

Dear all,

I'm just wondering if anyone has successfully used the (non
apple-endorsed) 1gb ram chips in a g4 ibook. Any info/pointers would be


Angus Wallace              o__     o__     o__     o__     o__     
Flinders University        ,>/'_   ,>/'_   ,>/'_   ,>/'_   ,>/'_   
Ph. (08) 82013363         (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_) (_)\(_)  
Fax: (08) 82013618       Enjoy gridlock today? No?  -  Ride a Bike!
a n g u s . w a l l a c e @ f l i n d e r s . e d u . a u

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