[P1] wifi-access question

Paul Bernhardt pbern10 at xmission.com
Thu Feb 19 10:02:41 PST 2004

On Feb 18, 2004, at 10:30 AM, Brian Pearce wrote:

>> But I couldn't log in - is it because the owner has
>> restricted the access or am I doing something wrong... ?
> Probably because the network has been password-protected (and sensibly 
> so). I think if it were restricted by Ethernet or MAC address you 
> wouldn't be able to see it at all (though I may be wrong about that).

Probably, yes, it is password protected. There is at least one, maybe 2 
more wireless networks detected (and no doubt, mine is detected by 
them) in my apartment complex.

>> Also: Later this spring I will have another computer (Windows) moving 
>> into
>> my household - should I buy the Apple airport station or is there 
>> another
>> recommendation?
> It really depends on what you want to do with it. A Windows computer 
> should have no trouble joining any WiFi network you set up, even with 
> an Airport Base Station; there are also many less expensive 
> alternatives that are reasonably easy to configure and just as 
> reliable.

My GF's Dell machine with Linksys (802.11g) card works great with my 
Airport Extreme base station.


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