[P1] wifi-access question

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Thu Feb 19 18:28:32 PST 2004

It may be worth mentioning that a good basestation software will
give no clue why a connect attempt failed, giving the same error
message for bad networkname (ie when it's not telling you its
network name so you have to know the name and enter it yourself,
which doesn't sound like the case you're talking about), for bad
password, or for bad MAC address.  I've not had a chance to try
connecting more clients than a basestation can handle, but I'd
hope the error message in such case would be the same as for all
other cases, as a security measure.

On Thu, 19 Feb 2004, Paul Bernhardt wrote:

> On Feb 18, 2004, at 10:30 AM, Brian Pearce wrote:
> >> But I couldn't log in - is it because the owner has
> >> restricted the access or am I doing something wrong... ?
> >
> > Probably because the network has been password-protected (and sensibly
> > so). I think if it were restricted by Ethernet or MAC address you
> > wouldn't be able to see it at all (though I may be wrong about that).
> Probably, yes, it is password protected. There is at least one, maybe 2
> more wireless networks detected (and no doubt, mine is detected by
> them) in my apartment complex.
. . .

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