[P1] Vinyl-records to MP3/CD

Brian D. Hudson bdh05d at mizzou.edu
Fri Jan 2 08:18:59 PST 2004

A few of my precious old records (Morris Nanton and a 1957
Rachmaninoff-recording are two gems that come to mind) are longing to be
converted into digital format. How do I go about that? What equipment
besides the obvious (record player, iBook (600)) do I need, and what do 
have to watch out for?

I purchased Toast 5 Titanium (is there a newer version?) awhile back.  
I also had to purchase an iMic from Griffin that plugged in through the 
USB.  This software also came with a cable to plug into the iMic which 
then plugged into my iBook.  I think it should work with a record 
player.  There might be a lot of other noises that you will have to get 
rid of (the software should do it).  I would just make sure that it 
works with record players as well.


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