[P1] logic board/video problem

Pam Sorooshian pamsoroosh at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 8 10:01:11 PST 2004

On Jan 8, 2004, at 4:14 AM, Gene Merritt wrote:

> Yes, I also had a different variation than those depicted.
> It was the video sending unit and logic board that was fried on my
> iBook.

I've had all kinds of different "looks" to the problem. All involved 
the video and all except one ended up, finally, with a logic board 
replacement - I've lost track of how many times on the previous three, 
but so far its been once on this fourth replacement ibook. One time I 
had the problem of the screen going completely blank when the computer 
top was opened wider than a couple of inches. That was the pinched 
cable in the hinges problem.

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