The Mac Rules

Jack Rodgers jackrodgers at
Mon Jan 12 19:40:49 PST 2004

I was somewhat amazed before when I used the Merlin card in my 
Powerbook and my Airport Base station simultaneously for surfing in Mac 
X and VPC Windows XP. Lotsa email, lotsa surfing...  :)

Now, just for the heck of it I established an Airport network on my 12" 
PB and then connected via Airport from my 17" PB. (The hardest part was 
learning to be patient while the 17" did its thing). And, going one 
step further I decided to try copying a Filemaker solution onto my 1 
Gig MicroDrive and connecting it with a SansDisk reader to my 12" (I 
did not have to install drivers) and opening one of the files in shared 
mode as a client/host. Then I opened another copy of FIlemaker on the 
17" and wondered if I could see FMP as the host over Airport and the 
SansDisk CF+ Card reader.

Yep... Now I am running a Filemaker Server off of a IBM 1 Gig 
MicroDrive over an Airport Extreme Network (no base station).

Admittedly you have to be a die hard techy to find amusement doing this 
at midnight...  :)

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