On Jan 13, 2004, at 5:52 PM, aussieblnd wrote: > Never had a problem with SBC in Los Angeles, have uploaded, downloaded > and > transfered files of up too 5 gig from my home DSL. But mines fast and > you > pay by speed. Some of the lower cost's are time limited read the fine > print > it maybe $27 for 3-6-12 months then they up your price! > My friend has Earthlink and it's nowhere near as fast nor as stable, > ditto > for Verizon. > Our company has SBC for half the company locations and they always are > up > and running never a problem the other half of the company has Verizon > which > is down or having problems half the time. Another company I do > computer work > for has Earthlink DSL and the service is as bad as Verizon. Problems > with > earthlink are gonna be everytime your DSL goes down they will blame the > phone company and the phone company will blame Earthlink. Another > friend had > that problem before switching to SBC at my urging. When in doubt > stick with > the phone provider if they offer DSL since they can blame no one else > for a > problem. SBC will also be easier to Network. > R This must vary greatly by location. I have had Earthlink DSL in Evergreen, CO for several years, with only very rare outages. And I've never had the finger-pointing stuff you refer to above. Fast (nominally 1.5 down, 384 up, with speed tests showing close to that) and stable. And I've found their tech support knowledgeable (yes, even about Macs) and helpful. YMMV, Harry Corsover ======================================= Harry Corsover, Independent Business Owner CyberWize: The Home Business Solution Amazing Travel * Health * Tax Benefits <http://www.hc.cyberwize.com> <harry at corsazzi.com> * 877-507-9562 =======================================