[P1] 802.11g on Dual USB iBook?

Guy McMickle fieroguy2m6 at fuse.net
Wed Jan 14 16:52:06 PST 2004

I put my brother's old power mac on our wireless network with a Netgear 
wireless ethernet bridge.  Worked right out of the box w/o any setup at 
all.  The box didn't even list Mac as being compatible, but I didn't 
understand why it wouldn't be.  TCP/IP is a universal language.  The 
only down side is they are rather expensive.  I paid something like $75 
for it.  Still beats running CAT5 through the walls.
On Jan 14, 2004, at 9:19 AM, John Lee wrote:

> There are also bridge devices such as this:
> http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=241
> that will allow you to put any ethernet device onto a wireless network.
> I've never actually used one, however, so I can't comment on how
> effective they are.
> Cheers,
> John
> --- Jack Rodgers <jackrodgers at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> I seem to remember seeing USB devices that look similar to the flash
>> drives and that do wifi. Don't recall whether it was a g device.
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