[P1] Suremail Permission Based System responses

malcolm cornelius Malcolm at fireflyuk.net
Tue May 18 05:46:27 PDT 2004

>  no, it doesn't seem to work like that because my postings to the list 
>  do get through, despite the suremail message saying that they had been 
>  deleted until I register with them.

They are not talking about your posting to the list - of course that works - how could they stop it ? They are talking about your posting being fwded to the protected user - support@ whatever it was.

>  That fact in itself is enough to let one smell a rat, I think. And my 
>  guess is that they harvest email addresses for spam purposes precisely 
>  in that way. They don't do it openly off the postings on the list, but 
>  if you register with them I bet there is a little clause somewhere in 
>  the small print that allows them to sell off your address to spammers.

That's not the way I read it as I have explained.

I have used a system like this - my real account only recieved email from addresses I authorised or white listed unless the sender sent a second mail to the intecepting email server.

That's what I think this is.


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