I have an original Airport Base Station hooked up to Comcast cable service, and we are running a few devices, all with 802.11b: - ibook 500 - Windows 2000 laptop - 2 gaming consoles (using external ethernet wireless adaptors) I'm having trouble with lag when online gaming, and after tracing the problem extensively, the problem seems to be more with my wireless network than anywhere else. I will get very "bursty" response, meaning that 80% of the time I don't have any lag, and then 20% of the time I get huge lag. For the windoze laptop I just pop out the wireless card when I'm not using it, otherwise that thing collects viruses in spite of all the spyware protection I have on it For the iBook I just close the lid. My question.... when the iBook is closed, is the airport card still transmitting? I know that the optical external USB mouse that is attached keeps its laser beam on, so at a minimum the USB port is still powered. Thanks, Tom