[ibook] Airport works while lid closed?

Matt chester_the_lp_dork at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 8 17:46:12 PST 2004

When the lid is closed the iBook goes to sleep so 
it's not transmitting.

--- Tom Legare <Tom.Legare at comcast.net> wrote:

> I have an original Airport Base Station hooked up to
> Comcast cable 
> service, and we are running a few devices, all with
> 802.11b:
>       - ibook 500
>       - Windows 2000 laptop
>       - 2 gaming consoles (using external ethernet
> wireless adaptors)
> I'm having trouble with lag when online gaming, and
> after tracing the 
> problem extensively, the problem seems to be more
> with my wireless 
> network than anywhere else.    I will get very
> "bursty" response, 
> meaning that 80% of the time I don't have any lag,
> and then 20% of the 
> time I get huge lag.
> For the windoze laptop I just pop out the wireless
> card when I'm not 
> using it, otherwise that thing collects viruses in
> spite of all the 
> spyware protection I have on it
> For the iBook I just close the lid.
> My question.... when the iBook is closed, is the
> airport card still 
> transmitting?  I know that the optical external USB
> mouse that is 
> attached keeps its laser beam on, so at a minimum
> the USB port is still 
> powered.
> Thanks,
> Tom
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