[iBook] reinstalling OS 9 on iBook

J Patrick Draine draine at comcast.net
Sun Nov 14 06:29:44 PST 2004

What is proper way to reinstall OS 9.2.2 on a 900 MHz G3 iBook (already 
running OS X 10.3.6 and 9.2.2, but the OS 9 is crashing like crazy and 
needs fixing)? I vaguely recall various instructions about having OS 9 
on before OS X, but that may have been a precaution from the days of OS 
10.0.0 and early iMacs).
It went in to AppleCare for a new logic board (and then back again for 
assorted other components which subsequently failed), and apparently 
there is a special disk (which they sent along with the repaired iBook) 
I'll need to run to make the newer logic board compatible with 9.

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