On 10/3/04 9:30 PM, "jack law" <johnrlawjr at yahoo.com> wrote: > This is my first > machine with OS X -- version 10.2.8. with 328 memory. > I guess the first thing that I want to do is upgrade > the memory and it seems a good place to buy memory was > mentioned in a previous post. My first question is > how do you hook an IBook up to a video projector? Is > it possible? What hardware do you need to buy? Also, I > saw some discussion on the best OS X system to use on > a G3 Ibook. Any further insights? My final questions > concern battery life: How long should I be able to > operate on a fully charged battery? Does performance > degrade overf time and what effects does operating on > a wireless network have on battery life? > Are there any other Ibook issues that a newbie should > be aware of? > The dual USB iBook has a video out that requires a VGA dongle. The same dongle is used for the G4 iMac and I think Apple still sells them. Email me privately - I think I still have my spare and I'll certainly offer it for less than Apple does. Jag is perfectly usable but if you can afford it certainly move to Panther - or wait a (few?) months for Tiger. As I recall it most of the complaints about Jaguar had to do with a few updates that caused trouble or OS 9 users who are still moaning about OS X not being just like OS 9 but better. Battery life on a new battery should be between 2.5 and 4 hours depending on which applications you are using, and how careful you are. I regularly got between 2.5 and 3.5 hours and that is Jag/Panther with airport and Office which isn't battery friendly. The battery does degrade over time - how much depends on your usage. Some people report noticeable degradation after one year and others report near full usage after 2+ years. Personally, I notice a difference around 18 months and generally buy a new battery soon after. Airport seems to shave 20-30 minute off of my use. david