[iBook] 512mb iBook

Ben Chong bluesky6 at ix.netcom.com
Wed Aug 24 08:13:30 PDT 2005

An article on a Mac website (I think it's lowendmac.com) talked about  
speed comparisons between a 256MB and a 512MB iBook to see if the  
extra 256MB made a difference.

The conclusion was that there was no difference when the app(s) are  
up and running but that starting an app was faster on the system with  
more memory.

Tiger (that's the only OS X I'm familiar with) does a good job of  
making apps appear responsive across different CPU speeds. My kids  
use a 500MHz 578MB iBook and I have a 1.33MHz/1.5GB one and other  
than application launch times, the responsiveness (including web  
browsing) is almost the same.

I cannot say that same thing about OS 8.x running on a 180MHz 3400c  
that we also have. So slooooow......


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