iBook cooling in a case (was Re: [iBook] re key labels wearing off etc)

Clark Martin cmmac at sonic.net
Sun Jul 10 11:16:25 PDT 2005

At 2:10 PM -0400 7/10/05, Samantha Cornell wrote:
>I think that maybe I didn't state my question clearly enough...my fault.
>My concern is that I am putting it in the "sleeve" while it is still 
>very warm.
>In the sleeve, it won't cool as quickly.
>Will that hurt it, or am I being overly cautious?
>Thanks for all the input!

It won't get any hotter, that is what counts.  Since it spends lots 
of time being hot, taking somewhat longer to cool off isn't going to 
Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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