[iBook] OS X Panther question re: user management

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Wed Sep 14 06:04:40 PDT 2005

On Sep 14, 2005, at 2:47 PM, Jean-Paul Thuot wrote:

> First, because it's a managed account he is unable to install
> anything.  This is good.  However, I'm finding that I must actually
> log into my wife's Admin account in order to install stuff.  Simply
> entering her userid and password from within his account doesn't work.
>  Often it's a case of the install app being unable to create the
> directories it needs.

I don't see this. My son's account is managed, and I can enter my  
user name and password for any installation. One way around it is to  
create an Applications folder in his home folder (you'll notice it  
takes on the special Apps icon), and have him install things there.  
As long as the software doesn't install anything to the system, this  
is fine.
> Now, often, he is unable to play the games that are installed unless
> he's using them from my wife's account.  When using them from his
> account they will either fail to even launch, or crash unexpectedly
> (when trying to write save data? I don't know).

Yes, they may need to access certain system files, and his account  
may not allow this. Check something like Allow Supporting  
Applications (I'm not sure what it was called under Panther) to get  
around this - it should resolve the problem.
> So,  what's the answer?  Can I change permissions on his account, now
> that it's been created?  I've looked under accounts, but it doesn't
> seem to have this as an option.

You can "un-manage" it. But don't go changing permissions on his  
files; that may lead to other problems.

            Author of: Take Control of Users & Accounts in Tiger
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              Read my blog: Kirkville -- http://www.mcelhearn.com
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        Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France

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